
Copyright and Fair Use

Page history last edited by Sheri Cooper 12 years, 4 months ago

 I searched for "Sesame Chicken." There are 33 copies of this picture on the web. It does not show the original owner. The URL is: http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=i.4776386630124888&pid=15.1


I found a color wheel image. There were 53 copies on the web. It looks like Northlite Designs owns the image. I wouldn't alter the image at all. I would use it with my IWB so the image would be a good size for classroom use.


The US laws of copyright protect the owners of materials as well as allow use of materials for the good of the community. I feel that this is very compatible with Christian ideology. My personal belief is that a Christian should respect others and show them the love of Christ. I think that is clearly done when respecting their rights.


I teach in a Christian school so Biblical worldview is an important part of our education. I think students should know that their testimony is damaged whenever they infringe on the rights of others. This limits their ability to show Christ to the world.








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