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Technology in Education bibliography.doc
Use of IWB's in Teaching and Learning.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, Turel.docx
Professional Training in IWB Use.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, Blau.docx
Primary Science and IWB's.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, Murcia.docx
Optimizing IWB Use.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, Glover and Miller.docx
IWB Use for Literacy in UK Primary Classrooms.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, Shenton.docx
IWB in Junior School, New Zealand.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, Harlow.docx
Effective Math Learning with IWB's.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, Bruce.docx
The Effects of Interactive Whiteboards on Student Performance.pdf
Technology in Education annotated bibliography, DiGregorio.docx.
Video from Group Presentation:
PowerPoint from Group Presentation:
Group4 IWB PresentationPowerPoint, 2.pptx
Mary Martin
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