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Page history last edited by LOCampbell 10 years, 10 months ago



PBWorks Homepage for EDU 6700


Each member of the class has a link below that leads to an initial page for your Unit 3 assignment. Your password is your Cedarville Redwood ID (including any leading zeroes required for seven digits total) which can be obtained by logging into the University's Moodle course management system and looking either at the "my settings" options or the roster for this course. 


Your assignment is as follows:

  1. Log into the system using the login link on the top right of this page.
  2. Follow the directions provided in the course website. 



Reminders:  All uploads and pages created should be stored in the folder that you will create with your name and/or username as the folder name.  

  • Click on the link next to your name  to create a new page. Be sure to move this page to your folder.
    • One reason why the link may not work is that the student is not logged in. Solution: Log-in and try again.
    • Login with user name as indicated below and student number as the password. 
  • Please be sure when setting the assignment pages to file the pages in the folder with your name. (with your username as the folder name) and leave the folder security at the default. (Points will be deducted for not completing this portion of the assignment. )Click on the yellow pages and files tab above navigate to your folder and investigate.  If items (pages, pictures, and/or files) are in the main directory, move them to your folder. 
  • Be sure to save pages using the save button on the bottom of the page after editing. 
  • On any new pages, please include a link back to the initial page allowing for functional navigation.



Faculty Pages:

Dr. Laurie O. Campbell

Dr. Andy Runyan



Fall 2013

User Name
Eckhoff, Paige  peckhoff 
Elliott, Jennifer jenniferelliott 
Foltz, Paul pfoltz 
Irick, Ciara  cirick 
Norman, Kristin  knorman 
Pagano, Morgan  mlpagano 




Summer 2 

User Name
Joshua Call
Torey DeLozier
Sarah Hendrick
Alison Horst alisonhorst
Sarah Lavezzo scastin
Shelley Mathias segilbert
Courtney Nicholl cnicholl



Summer 2013

User Name
Alicia Graham 
Alyson Harris
Anna Holt  annaholt
Shauna Karloski   shaunakarloski 
Laura M. Smith  lauramsmith 
Katie Thomas
James Warnshuis  jwarnshuis 






Spring 2013  
Name Username

Dianne Hannay


Kim Heavner


Mary Orr morr

Joy Patton


Anne Penner


Krista Wiles


. . 










Fall 2012  
Name Username

Brian Baker




Sheri Cooper


Carriann Forbis


Katrina Hammaker


Julie Johnson


Meredith Johnson


Erica Lee


Timothy Pryor


Danielle Schultz


Rachelle Tipton


Lauren Townsend


Lisa Turner


Katherine Zimmerman kazimmerman

Andrew Waters




Summer Session 2 2012   
Name  Username 
Kimberly Beavers  kbeavers
Titus Borland tborland
Kristin Buhr kbuhr
Jeffery Gates jefferygates
Stephanie Gildenmeister scarr
Esther Keith ekeith
Melissa Loflin  mloflin 
Mary Martin marylynnemartin

Katie McCoy


Moffitt, Christina


Jillisa Raber


Jefferey Sampson


Kourtney Sladek


Jarrod Steinmetz


Stephanie Wise




Summer Session 1 2012   
Name  Username 
Emily Bair emilybair
Valerie Blackstone vjblackstone
Jared Clark jaredtclark
Michael Cowell mcowell
Rebecca Horner rhorner
Jennifer Johnson jlfansler
Tara Lee tmlee
Laura Moes lauramoes
Shelly Schaedel sschaedel
David Thigpen dfthigpen
LeAnn Wafford lwafford
Steven Wynn scwynn
Linda Yourko lyourko149


Fall 2011   
Name  Username 
Brianne Barnes
Jewel Billet jlbillet
Josephine Bunger jdbunger
Rebecca Bushey rbushey112
Jane Fischer jfischer
Susan Fisher
Rachel Garrett
Michael Gossen mgossen
Heather Ivey
Tamra Johnson tjohnson228
Lori Lynch lorihlynch
Stephen Noel stephencnoel
Amber Norris ambernorris
Jenna Roles jennandevelbiss
Ashley Solomon ashleysolomon241
Elizabeth Stephan emstephan
Amy Wengrenovich awengrenovich
Karen Williams karenwilliams
Tammi Wright p1249005
Lori Young



Summer 2011   
Name  Username 
Christin Adams  cfadams 
Lauri Ake  lauriwake 
Mary Bane  marybane 
Sandra Bowman  sandrabowman 
Lanie De Leon  lmdeleon 
Cynthia Driggs  cdriggs 
Jeffrey Durham  jddurham 
Evan Felmet evanfelmet
Pam Gregory pamelagregory
Caitlin Plume caitlinrhiggins
David Prahl dprahl
Mark Ratliff markratliff
Lois Reed lrreed
Paul Ross paulaross
Kari Sizemore  kscheunemann 
Julia Walker juliamariewalker


Spring 2011   
Name  Username 
Dana Anderkin anderkin
Erin Foster erinfoster
Marilyn Hodgin marilynehodgin
Rebekah Read rebekahread
Katelyn Reuther kreuther
Brandi Scholz bhinkle
Natalie Waddle nmwaddle
Kathlene Watkins kathlenewatkins
Sally Young seyoung


Fall 2010   
Name  Username 
Wendy Carter wendydaustin 
Courtney Eaton  courtneyeaton 
Ronald Evans rlevans 
Jenna Fox jennafox2 
Jason Harding jharding
Kathy Ivill kathylivill
Stacey Klotzbach sklotzbach125
Kimberly Levinsky kimberlyjlevinsky
Angeline Melendez amelendez
Kristin Miller kmiller
Paul Miller pauledwardmiller

Brian Nelson

Brittany Phipps blanderson
Daniel Recker djrecker
Brenda Sims brendalsims
Heather Zimmerman heatherazimmerman


Summer 2010   
Name  Username 
Aaron Berning  aberning256 
Ashley Buehler  ambuehler 
Mindy Epp  mindyepp 
Stephanie Flamm  sgflamm 
Ashley Fraley ashleyfraley
Ganna Izyumtseva gvizyumtseva
Butterfly vmkreudercrowell
Amy McCormack aamccormack
Melissa Rainous marainous
Brenda Reid breid189
Deborah Thomas deborahthomas
Rebecca VanDeusen rvandeusen279
Adam Wyse acwyse



Fall 2009 
Name Username
Susan Beikert sbeikert227
Joseph Blakey jblakey
Andrea Caldwell acaldwell176
Sarah Eder sceder
LaTrelle Ellis lellis102
Amy Fourman amyfourman
Elisabeth Myers emyers138
Wesley Courser wcourser
Crystal Garrett-Bunts cdgarrettbunts
Beverly Gibbs beverlygibbs
Jacquelyn Hostutler jnhostutler
Ruth Howdyshell rhowdyshell283
Terry Howdyshell tlhowdyshell
Patricia Lewis patricialewis
Joni Pierce jmpierce
Cynthia Storer cynthiastorer245
Andrea Webb ajames
Danny Moore dannymoore
Anise Simpson anisesimpson
Courtney Ucker


Christopher Stoll


Lucas Gantz lpgantz
Molly King mking243


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