PBWorks Homepage for EDU 6700
Each member of the class has a link below that leads to an initial page for your Unit 3 assignment.
Your password is your Cedarville Redwood ID (including any leading zeroes required for seven digits total) which can be obtained by logging into the University's Moodle course management system and looking either at the "my settings" options or the roster for this course.
Your assignment is as follows:
- Log into the system using the login link on the top right of this page.
- Follow the directions provided in the course website.
Reminders: All uploads and pages created should be stored in the folder that you will create with your name and/or username as the folder name.
- Click on the link next to your name to create a new page. Be sure to move this page to your folder.
- One reason why the link may not work is that the student is not logged in. Solution: Log-in and try again.
- Login with user name as indicated below and student number as the password.
- Please be sure when setting the assignment pages to file the pages in the folder with your name. (with your username as the folder name) and leave the folder security at the default. (Points will be deducted for not completing this portion of the assignment. )Click on the yellow pages and files tab above navigate to your folder and investigate. If items (pages, pictures, and/or files) are in the main directory, move them to your folder.
- Be sure to save pages using the save button on the bottom of the page after editing.
- On any new pages, please include a link back to the initial page allowing for functional navigation.
Faculty Pages:
Dr. Laurie O. Campbell
Dr. Andy Runyan
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